Tuesday 24 February 2009

What do I do with it?

I met a work colleague for coffee this week. She is on maternity leave and her gorgeous baby girl is now 5 months old. There have been very few babies in my life and whenever I am handed one I'm very much lost. As long as they keep still and smile I'm fine, but a little wriggle or a wrinkled brow and I'm panicking and looking to hand them back to those who know better than me. Which seems to be pretty much everyone. How do you learn this basic stuff? How to hold a baby securely? How to make the kind of face that always makes a baby smile? Let alone feed one or bathe it safely!
I guess you just find your way? Rely on people who know to help you out?
This colleague that I'm talking about used to be a slightly apprehensive, indecisive individual but motherhood suits her and she has developed an air of confidence that she didn't have before. I know that looking after a baby didn't come immediately naturally to her but she seems to be taking it in her stride now.
I'm a bit of a perfectionist. Will I feel like a huge failure and the worst ever mother?

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