Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Bloomin' hormones

On Monday night, I really didn't sleep well as the baby was moving A LOT! And on Tueday morning I was pretty sure that she had changed position. She was lying on my right side, back to front, and I was pretty sure that she had moved over to my left side, still back to front. Which is great, as this is the optimal position for labout. I saw the midwife yesterday and she confirmed this position and did the usual checks and everything is fine. She also offered to do a stretch and sweep that day (or Friday or Sunday) if I wanted one. I surprised myself and agreed to have one on Friday. I have always said that I would want to wait until 41 weeks before having any intervention at all, but the midwife said that the sweep usually doesn't work on the first occasion and that it is suggested that you have it done a few times before trying anything else. So I want to give myself plenty of time to do that before having any drugs administered as I really want to avoid that if possible. They will want to start looking at other options when I'm 12 days overdue (next Friday) so by having the first sweep on Friday I have another 5-6 days to keep trying the sweep method a few times. Although I'm quite happy with my decision today, I came home from the midwife yesterday feeling a bit wobbly about it all and asking myself if I'm jumping in too soon by going against my original decision. I came home and tried to relax with my hypno-birthing CD but had trouble focussing on it. Just as it ended, and I was coming around a bit, my Mum knocked on the door and peered through the blinds. Now, I know people feel differently about this but I personally think that popping in unannounced is really rude! I answered the door in a daze and she apologised for waking me up. I told her that she hadn't woken me up but that if had have done I would not have been happy! I'm generally very polite to my Mum and wouldn't want to hurt her feelings and so she looked a little shocked. She came in and asked how it had gone with the midwife. I felt very foggy headed and dozy and had trouble trying to explain what I had decided. She must have got the message that it was a bad time as she didn't stay long and let herself out. I'm worried that I'll need to set some ground rules now that I'm at home every day. If D was home with me, I'm sure she wouldn't just pop in like that. She usually always calls ahead. When the baby arrives, I definitely want to try and rest and nap when she does and I really don't want unexpected visits to become the norm...*sigh* I was furious with her when she left, I think just because it added to my sense of being out of control of things generally. When it came to explaining what had happened with the midwife to D, I had the same problem explaining my decision and kept losing my train of thought and as the evening rolled on I felt more and more wobbly and a bit weepy. D was great and was really supportive and understanding. But I hate losing control of my emotions. I know that I like to feel in control but I didn't realise quite how important it was to me until this week. I've just been messaging one of the other NCT girls who is also slightly overdue now and she said that it's bothering her more than she thought it would as well. For me, I feel that the way my labour goes is already starting to be taken out of my hands and I'm worried that all the things that I want to avoid are going to end up happening (ie, being induced with drugs, having to go into the labour ward rather than the birth centre, not being about to use a birth pool, having a long labour and needing pain relief that will effect the baby, needing an assisted birth or a C-section). I guess I need to remind myself that I do have a certain amount of control and that I can make small decisions as they arise. Other than that I need to just breathe and go with it!

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