Monday, 24 September 2012

Finally getting there

I finally have the date for the egg collection - Wednesday 26th September. It's been a long time coming this round. Things got slightly delayed as my period didn't appear when it shouild have done and with the drug regime being longer this time I feel like I've been on the regime for months and months now. I'm very tired - I think from the buserilin - and am tired for doing the shots (3 each day). My belly is sore and it's hard to find an unused spot! Anyway, we are getting there. I had a scan on Friday and there were 8 good sized follicles. They were all growing at the same pace and were around 12mm at that point. I continued with the injections over the weekend and had another scan today. There are 5 good sized follicles on one ovary (16mm plus) and there are likely to be another 3 on the other ovary - unfortunately we don't know for sure as my right ovary is sometimes really hard to scan and today it just wouldn't come out of hiding. But I'll find out on Wednesday when we finally have the egg collection. Such a relief that the end is in sight. So I've stopped some drugs today (Gonal F and Prednisolone) and I'll be doing the Ovitrelle shot tonight to bring on ovulation. I've also started two courses of antibiotics today (Doxycycline and Cephadrine). My doctor is also putting me on some blood thinning treatment (Clexane and Aspirin). The Clexane starts after the egg collection but I'm starting the Aspirin today. I'm so tired that keeping track of the drug regime is a bit of a challenge! One of my colleagues has just come back to work after adoption leave. She went through a round of IVF prior to adoption and talking to me about it last week got her a bit emotional. Makes me wonder if, whatever the outcome of all this, whether I will ever move on emotionally from it all... Fingers crossed for some good eggs on Wednesday :)

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