Thursday, 9 June 2011


Didn't quite make it to the 10th June! I had about 2 days of feeling normal again, and then PMT kicked in. Got my period this morning. So, back to the clinic tomorrow and back on the meds for the fourth and final round of IUI. I'm now feeling like we are destined to be childless which is a bit defeatist but I am beginning to lose faith. What will that mean? People I know are beginning to email me articles about fertility with the message "I saw this and thought of you". Great. Thanks. When you think of me you think of a barren woman... LOL. I don't want us to be the subject of people's sympathy. I don't want to be the reason that my husband isn't a father. I want him to have everything he deserves. What will we do if we can't have kids? Will any adventure that we can create fill the hole?
On the plus side, I saw a friend today who has two small children and she looks REALLY tired! And it's my birthday next weekend so I can still get drunk!

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