Monday, 24 January 2011

One week to go

I did the last of the injections on Saturday and I'm so glad to be having a break from the medication now. It's made me ridiculously bloated and my breasts have been painfully swollen. For the first time in 2 weeks I feel relatively normal. I don't like the idea that I might need to start the process all over again in a couple of weeks.
My other half keeps asking me if I feel pregnant. Of course, it's much too early to be able to answer that. I've got a big zit on my chin, which in the past has always been a sign of my period being on it's way. But with my hormones being so haywire who knows. From what I've read, an embryo wouldn't implant until 7-10 from fertilisation, so anytime from today... It's strange to me that with everything the medical industry knows about managing fertility, we are all still completely clueless as to what is happening inside me at the moment.
I didn't get the job that I interviewed for. Thoughts about maternity pay and child care costs etc are buried pretty deep in my brain for now though.

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