Well, our 12 week scan day was definitely the joyful day that we were hoping for! It was on a Tuesday and we were both working so met up in the afternoon to go to the hospital. The ultrasound waiting room was not the happiest place to be. It was really busy and hot and everyone had clearly already been waiting longer than they were happy about. We were kept waiting a long time too, nearly an hour. They weighed me, asked for my height and took my urine and blood samples. The nursing assistants were less than chipper! They ask you to attend with a semi-full bladder and when we finally went in for the scan I really needed to pee, but then when the doc started scanning me she said that because I have a retroverted uterus my full bladder wasn't helping the image anyway. My bladder just wasn't in the right place in relation to my uterus to help. So after looking around for a while and confirming the heartbeat (phew!), she asked me if I minded having an internal scan so that she could get a better image. Like I give a sh*t about internal scans anymore! She let me pee and then she did the internal scan which gave us a MUCH clearer image. It was so unreal to see our little one looking like a proper little person and moving around! An awesome moment. My OH was literally in shock afterwards with the reality setting in :)
Here are a couple of the pics. The first one is the external scan - a little fuzzy but I like seeing the profile and the little hand :)

And this is the internal scan. Although the detail amazing, I can't help thinking that it looks like it has the jaw and mouth of a puppy. I've seen it and now I can't unsee it!

The doctor said that everything looked really great and she adjusted the due date slightly from 5th November to 3rd November. So we left happy with a date for our 20 week scan of 19th June.
We both had to rush back to work which my OH was stressed and unhappy about. But we took a little bit of time to send a few messages to my family and close friends. People at work were thrilled for us and it was so lovely to be able to finally share it with everyone.
I finally got to spend some time with my OH at about 9pm! We rattled off a Facebook message (this felt like the biggest milestone of all, I have imagined doing this so many times) and spent the rest of the evening watching the lovely comments coming back. I even had a phone call from an old friend who lives in Amsterdam to congratulate us!
I can't help feeling a bit sad that I haven't heard from a few family members, in particular my sister. I let her know about the pregnancy by sending her a video of us telling Mum, and I've sent her pictures and messages following each scan. She has only replied with very happy but very brief messages. No phone call. No, how are you feeling? No, when is the baby due? No, I'm so happy for you after all you've been through. People can be strange sometimes.
The last few days I have been feeling extremely full and have found it really difficult to eat. It was so uncomfortable. I also had a few more days of being extremely tired. But last night I slept like a log for the first time in a few weeks and today I've had a lot more energy and the fullness has gone. One thing that I have noticed with all these pregnancy symptoms is that they are all pretty fleeting, thankfully!
My next appointment is with (yet another new) midwife at 16 weeks. Apparently I'll get to hear the heartbeat :)