Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Moving on

I got my period just hours before going away for the weekend with friends, so had to put on a brave face. But I was upset. For some reason I started thinking about how, if I'm not able to have children, that my Dad's genes won't be passed on. He had 5 children. 3 of them are my half-brothers. Two of the five haven't been able to have children, one hasn't met the right person (or maybe he doesn't want chldren, I'm not sure) and the fourth has never wanted to have children. So in an odd way I feel it's down to me. My Dad was a lovely person and it saddens me that I might be the end of the line.
I went for an interview on Monday and have been offered (and accepted) the job. It's with the NHS which should hopefully make future doctors visits acceptable to them! I'm taking a break from the IUI treatment this month. Time hasn't allowed me to get going with it this week and they recommend a break at this stage anyway. Hopefully I'll be able to work the next round of treatment into starting the new job without too many problems.

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Could I be?

It turns out, no.

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Could I be?

All PMT symptoms have subsided. No cramping yet. And it's Day 30. The last three months I've got my period on Day 28 or 29. I'm stressed at the moment - I'm starting a new temp job and have 2 job interviews (one tomorrow and one on Monday). I'm also busy with my business. So perhaps the stress is delaying Aunt Flow's visit. But could I be???
I can safely test on Friday. I'll be working all day and then we are dashing off for the weekend. And then we'll be busy with friends, and drinking, all weekend. Probably better to delay any test until Monday, if nature doesn't intervene in the meantime. If I get offered a job and I am pregnant, I'd rather be able to honestly tell my employer that I didn't know I was PG when I was offered the job!