Sunday, 20 June 2010

Coming of age

It’s my birthday today.  I’ve turned 36.  36!  How did I get this old??  Articles like this don’t make me feel much better about it: Age and Fertility

This feels like a turning point in my life in a way.  I’m likely to be made redundant next year so I’m making plans for a career change.  We’re also thinking about a temporary move overseas.  The world is our oyster and it’s good to have plans for alternative adventures should this particular adventure not materialise.

Tuesday, 15 June 2010


Things have got a bit confusing...

Went for a couple of tests at the fertility clinic yesterday. They were supposed to be timed to coincide with ovulation but I think they planned it in a bit too early in the month for me. The so-called non-invasive procedures were a bit more unpleasant than I anticipated. I won't go into it.... So the result is that my mucus is too acidic and sperm probably can't get through.

To me the confusion lies in whether this conclusion was come to due to the time in my cycle that the test was done. The nurse said it wouldn't make any difference but Internet searches give a different answer.

I'm also confused as to why the nurse was trying to push me into starting a fertility drug to "boost" ovulation. even though everything else looks OK so far. What's the point in boosting ovulation if the sperm can't get to the egg?

So, there will be a few questions for the doctor at our next appointment...

In the meantime, I look forward to using a baking soda douche prior to sex!
I'm looking for natural ways of helping things along. Will be taking Evening Primrose Oil and Flax Seed Oil to "improve mucus quality" and changing my diet to try and alkalise my system. God knows if any of this will make any difference whatsoever!