Saturday, 29 August 2009

Pink line

Got the line on Day 20 and have done what we needed to do! I've also been taking my temperature daily - absolutely no obvious pattern there... My period would be due in a few days and I'm already seeing the tell tale signs that it is coming (spotty chin!) So not holding out much hope for this month.

Thursday, 20 August 2009

6 months in

So, I'm 6 months into this adventure and I'm no spring chicken, so I am now officially charting and taking my temperature and using ovulation tests. A bit of a palaver but good to feel like I have a bit of control over proceedings, even if in reality I don't at all! It's day 16 of my cycle and no sign of ovulation happening yet. Keeping my fingers crossed for that little pink line soon.

Thursday, 13 August 2009

Rub it in why don't cha

I did get my period - a bit earlier than expected.

A colleague at work was gossiping about another colleague who looks to be pregnant. And then she says "so what about you?" As in, "are you pregnant yet?" How rude!
I said "no and don't ask me again!"

Moaned to friends about it at lunchtime so now they know we're trying too. Just putting some more pressure on myself there then!

Came home and ordered some ovulation tests on ebay...


Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Pretty sure that I'm...

...going to get my period again. Time to buy those ovulation sticks me thinks.
I'm also pretty sure that someone else at work is pregnant. Jealous.
I'm also jealous of another colleague who is about to go on maternity leave. She plans to take 12 months off. It would be lovely to have that luxury.