Tuesday, 31 March 2009


Someone at work told me today that she is pregant. She's suffering terrible morning sickness and is pretty miserable, but all the same I'm a bit jealous. Apparently they decided in the New Year to "give it a go" and here they are almost 3 months pregnant at the end of March! It makes you sick, doesn't it? All is made worse by the fact that I'm being asked to pick up some of her work as she is unwell.....hmmmm

Friday, 20 March 2009

6 weeks in

So I did a pregnancy test on the 11th as planned. It was negative. Not much to report since then. Still no sign of a period since coming off the Pill.
I was talking to a work colleague about another work colleague's baby. She said, "Does her baby make you broody?" I found myself answering "Yeah, definitely". My own response stopped me in my tracks. Did I really say that? That's soooo unlike me! I've never felt broody in my life before. I guess I'm quite a cautious person. Always considering the risks and negative points of everything. I get that from my Mother... And so maybe that's what's held me back from thinking about babies before. Now that I've been thinking about them a lot more, I'm less scared and thinking more about the positives. And therefore, getting a bit broody...LOL. Weird.

Friday, 6 March 2009


So, work is crap at the moment. I'd be up for leaving. But there is this recession going on so I guess I should be glad to have a job at the moment. Also, if I leave I would lose all the maternity benefits that come with a public sector job....hmmm. Trapped.
My husband is talking about selling our car as it's a convertible and it wouldn't be practical with kids. Now would be a good time to sell it with the summer coming. It's an old bird so we wouldn't get a lot for it. We're thinking of replacing it with a Golf or something similar. Thing is, not a hell of a lot of money in the bank since buying a house and lots of expensive stuff going on this year: mother-in-law's birthday overseas, a couple of weddings, house renovations still to be done... *sigh*

Belly is still feeling big. I'm thinking pre-menstrual water retention.

Monday, 2 March 2009


I haven't had a period since I stopped taking the Pill. Well, I didn't have periods on the Pill that I was taking anyway, so it's been a VERY long time. I'm now wondering if the zit outbreak is a pre-menstrual one as there are other signs of an imminent period. I won't go into it...
I've decided that if I don't have a period within 4 weeks of stopping the Pill then I will do a pregnancy test. That would be the 11th March.

Sunday, 1 March 2009


My belly looks bigger over the last few days...incredibly doubtful that this is a sign of something growing within, more like the indulgence and laziness of the past couple of months catching up with me. Must get to the gym more frequently *sigh*.
I've also had a bit of a zit break out in the last few days. Which is weird because I don't break out much and if I do it's usually one large, red and ugly that lasts for about a week and then nothing for months. I now have two on my face, one on my shoulder and a little spattering across the top of my back. Lovely... I'm assuming it's something to do with my hormone levels getting back to normal post-pill? I dunno.